Thoughts, opinions, feelings, and experiences of the Steel Winged Butterfly.

What is posted on this page is life-as observed and lived. I write what I know and see. It is for no one individual. It is for every individual. I'm not here to change your mind. I'm here to put a mirror to your face so that you may see for yourself.

Please note that everything I write on this blog, unless otherwise cited, is MY OWN work. I give credit where credit is due, so I expect others to as well.

After all, if I had wanted others to plagiarize my thoughts and words, I would have just posted it in a facebook status update...

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Babička’s Backyard

Yellow daffodils and peppermint roses, sprinkler heads and garden hoses.
A greenhouse full of fragrant herbs used in the dishes my dear babička serves.
Stone-faced statues of angels and saints keep dutiful watch o’re the garden gates.
All is protected behind the ivy and morning glory veils as my babička’s skirt, this little girl trails.
A soft wind directs the wind chime symphony, while bullfrogs and song birds sing the harmony.
Baby girl and babička happily sing a melody that babička’s mother once used to sing.
Flower pots and potting soil, master gardener and miniature assistant loyal…
Neither flower nor vegetable plant will ever be left to wither or spoil…
Because here, no life is deemed not worth the toil.

For the “sake” of “Pete” we accomplish even the most difficult feats…
Without a whimper “for cryin out loud” the little girl makes her babička very proud.
With the laundry stately hung and the morning chores “all done” babička and the rascal watch Lucy reruns…
While babička takes her afternoon nap, rascal escapes from babička’s lap…
Heading straight for the cookie jar stash, rascal grabs one…or two…or three…in a dash, completely unaware that babička knows exactly where she’s at…
Sneakily climbing back into babička’s lap, rascal only realizes she’s caught when dear babička laughs…
Silly little girl, she baked them for you…brewing a pot of tea for the both of you too.
The afternoon too quickly comes and goes with the thick green grass tickling rascal’s little toes.
Shoes are not a requirement at babička’s house…unless, of course, mom and dad are around…
The sun goes down, and the Lawrence Welk show comes on… babička sings along with every single song. 
Sometimes I catch her eyes wandering to a different time…as though she’s watching her life on rewind.

What is this buzzing noise?!  And is that Juanes playing?!  ….*Sigh* It’s 5:30 am and my alarm clock is ringing….
I must have been dreaming…or just remembering while sleeping…
It was nice to think about my grandma though.  Love you and miss you babička.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

The Stars and Stripes Forever

Since when did my country’s flag become a symbol of intolerance—of hatred—of persecution?  When did it become the intention of those bearing the stars and stripes to use this hallowed symbol to instill fear in those who come to this great nation for assistance and a better life?  It has come to my attention that those who display the red, white, and blue are often viewed as racist or nationalistic extremists.  When did this change happen?!  I remember a time when those who proudly displayed their flags were viewed as patriots—people who firmly believed in the ideals of America. 

From my history classes I have come to learn of America’s wrongs—of the injustices done by one hue of skin to another.  And as someone of mixed racial backgrounds, I can truthfully say that I understand these cultural hurts…I can sympathize with those who have come to view our flag as a symbol of those who conquered rather than peacefully coexisted.  I am the descendant of immigrants who came from Mexico, Czechoslovakia, various parts of Europe, and South America—and of the indigenous to this land—and all of these groups at one time or another suffered persecution.  But when liberty was in danger, and the U.S. asked them to pledge their lives to the service of the nation—and of the world—they responded without hesitation.

This summer when I moved into the dorms, I took a large American flag with me to hang in my dorm room.  I don’t know why, but every time I glimpse the American flag waving in the wind,  I get goose bumps—my heart fills with pride—and I feel invigorated by all of my ancestors who so bravely fought for this country both on and off the battlefield.  I feel my grandfathers and grandmothers watching over me with the attentive eye of the eagle—wings fluttering much like the flag in the wind.  I must say that it deeply saddens me to think that some of my fellow citizens and others visiting our great nation actually feel a sense of fear when they see such symbols displayed. 

To me, that says that someone who is unworthy of bearing this nation’s flag has shown these people that this banner of the fallen heroes stands for shame—for hate—for intolerance and injustice—for all of the things our Great Nation’s Constitution is supposed to protect against.

I am not naïve.  And I won’t even try to defend those who shaped our country from the harsh criticism that is rightly due.  Hindsight, after all, is indeed, 20/20 and it would simply be untrue to say that the forefathers took true equality into consideration when they constructed the basis of our National Identity.  However, I will say that I hope my life and actions show the true spirit of America...of what this country is working to become.  My grandfathers lived and fought through two world wars, various military conflicts, the first airplane flight, the conception of the atomic bomb, and the creation of the space program.  They saw human kind at its worst—but also at its best.  And through all of this, they still loved their country…and even though it was imperfect, their actions and devotion helped to purge this country of its imperfections—both on the battlefield and the home front.

I hope that my fellow Americans will come to see our nation’s flag as something that should be used as a security blanket—a bandage for this wounded world—rather than some gaudy—and moreover—disrespectful—display of white “nativist” "supremacy"…which is itself, a COMPLETE fallacy.  The flag is not a symbol of military prowess, but a guide to those seeking clemency and opportunity—a source of hope to those enduring great hardship.  The American flag should be the banner of all those who seek to better the world—and a source of encouragement to those who were not blessed with the PRIVILEGE of being born in a country that provides the opportunity to work towards progress.

I must also say that it truly enrages me to see the remnants of the Confederacy…I absolutely HATE it when people from the south (or elsewhere) wear or display various Confederate flags…because it stands for so much more than rebellion and “living free.”  Upon those stars and bars lies the blood of my ancestors—including the Native American blood in my veins…I may not be of African American decent, but I feel a deep anger towards the symbols of African/African American bondage—because it is just another variety of the injustice and hate that my Native American, Slavic, Mexican, Catholic, and Jewish lineage endured.  And in many cases, those who expressed prejudices against those of African heritage also abused the people sharing in my ancestry.  In my opinion, it is the equivalent of displaying the Nazi Swastika.

We are ALL family…the hue of our skin may be different, but the color of our blood is the same deep red…

The only thing that should be judged by its size, weight, and pallor is a person’s heart—the intentions behind their deeds.  And because the true gravity of this matter can only be fully understood by God—judgment of another should only be left to God…who by the way, made human beings in His (or Her) own image…so I guess we can’t really define God as one race/classification or another.  Why then should we insist upon using these social constructs with each other?

What right do these un-educated hicks have to tell me and my fellow Hispanics and Czechoslovakians to “go back to where we came from?!”  The Mexica and Mescalero Apache within me says “why don’t you do the same?!”  We were the ones that were here first!  We lived in harmony with the land for thousands of years prior to your arrival—taking only what we needed, giving thanks for what Creator provided, and allowing Mother Earth to heal after giving us such bounty.  My Czech lineage says “your relatives were once immigrants too.”

So, don’t tell me that this is not MY country!  The blood of my ancestors forms the crimson stripes of this flag—their loyalty paints the blue—and their pure devotion to the ideals of freedom and equality illuminate the stars and white stripes of this flag! 

I can’t say that racism was not a part of my family and that all of my family members are as adamant about equality as I am.  But the only way that history is not repeated is by each member of the current generation making the choice to behave differently.

So do not use my last name and my skin color to determine my intentions when I wave this flag.  Instead, redefine your perception of this flag’s symbolism by the way I treat others; because when I see these stars and stripes I have only the desire to protect and share the wonderful life I have had the PRIVILEGE of leading thanks to the sacrifices of those who came before me—both military and civilian.  And NO American would have had this privilege had it not been given by the Amazing Grace of the Creator.  Who are we to deny or impede the ability of those TRULY seeking what’s guaranteed in the Constitution, from attaining these graces unconditionally granted by God? 

I am not worthy…are you?

Street Dreams [In Progress]

Street Dreams aren't just for Gs--No
Street-corner thugs can't get you these
Street Gs aren't badass--please!...
Those rocks you sell won't set you free...
And No bags of green won't ground your feet...

I dream in groups of threes...
Four-I wake up still in need...
Got hunger pains I just can't feed...
Cause I'm starving for some sweet, sweet dreams.

But Street Dreams do come in 3s,
Bitter, sweet, and bended knees.
Street Dreams, do you get these?
Or am I alone in these feelings?

Street Dreams aren't always sweet...
Sometimes we fall when we dare leap...
No, Sweet Dreams aren't just for Gs...
No, Drugs and Guns can't buy you these...
Street Dreams aren't just for Gs...
So, 'gangstas' please--DON'T TREAD ON ME...

Oh why can't I just live to be free,
From the words pent up inside of me?!
My pen moves as the spirit breaks free...
Dropping these lines like they're killing me...
Like if I don't write them down, my heart won't beat...
My chest won't heave, 'cause I just can't breathe...
These words unspoken, will choke the life outta me...
So, I'll write them down with a fevered frenzy.

Street Dreams aren't always sweet...
Sometimes we fall when we dare leap...
No, Sweet Dreams aren't just for Gs...
No, Drugs and Guns can't buy you these...
Street Dreams aren't just for Gs...
So, bitches please--DON'T TREAD ON ME...

No I can't think and I can't sleep...
'Till I drop ev'ry thing and spit these deep seeded pleas...
Cries from within--dark and deep--A mental weep...
Tears in form of lyrics--so deep--falling in rhythms so neat...
Fitting of the heart--that's resting within the beat...
Expressing the thoughts--and beliefs-- of the muse inside of me...
This master that I cannot see--but can only feel--instructing me...
In the means and ways of human beings--how they act, speak, and think...

Street Dreams aren't always sweet...
Sometimes we fall when we dare leap...
No, Street Dreams aren't just for Gs...
No, Drugs and Guns can't buy you these...
Street Dreams aren't just for Gs...
So, chucos please--DON'T TREAD ON ME...

No, Sweet Dreams just can't defeat,
The Street Dreams that feed on me...
No matter what I do or whom I fiercely beat...
My mistakes just seem to play--repeat, repeat...

Yeah, Street Dreams keep haunting me...
Remembering all the darker things...
The past replayed in horror scenes...
Showing present and future destinies...
Of all the fighters who think and rage like me...
Who stand and stumble like yearlings...yearning...
To simply die and and live freely...
Fighting just to feel the sting--
The burns and scars from these--
My curses and my blessings...of these, my Sweet, Street Dreams...

Street Dreams, I speak my peace...
And pay the price from my Sweet Dreams...
"Laying Dead" for truthful speaking...
And for fighting for the fairytale ending...
To the reality of the Dreams we're living...
Living and Dying for the Street Dreams I'm rewriting...

Sweet rest in peace...
Think no more of frightful things...
Sweet rest in peace...
Think no more of these...broken Dreams...

Sweet Dreams...
Street Dreams...

Close my eyes to live in sleep...
Only to wake in these Street Dreams...

Street Dreams aren't always sweet...
Sometimes we fall when we dare leap...
No, Sweet Dreams aren't just for Gs...
No, Drugs and Guns can't buy you these...
Street Dreams aren't just for Gs...
So, fakers please--DON'T TREAD ON ME...

'Cause Street Dreams are alive in me...
And I'm--fighting hard to make them be...
Street Dreams, you'll all soon see...
Just how Street Dreams transform when cleaned...
Into Sweet Dreams...ones filled with peace...
For, Sweet Dreams, I'll do my piece...
To make these Street Dreams,
Realities of hope, love,...and inner peace.