Thoughts, opinions, feelings, and experiences of the Steel Winged Butterfly.

What is posted on this page is life-as observed and lived. I write what I know and see. It is for no one individual. It is for every individual. I'm not here to change your mind. I'm here to put a mirror to your face so that you may see for yourself.

Please note that everything I write on this blog, unless otherwise cited, is MY OWN work. I give credit where credit is due, so I expect others to as well.

After all, if I had wanted others to plagiarize my thoughts and words, I would have just posted it in a facebook status update...

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Psalm 23

At the end of all days, the "sky’s gonna break" and all of heaven and earth’s gonna quake because I love you.  There won’t be a chain that’s forged to restrain—no wall or boundary to retain my love from you.  No chasm or rift in space or time, no matter the age of body and mind, I will find you because I love you.

As is witnessed by the Holy Ghost, no earthly army nor heavenly host can cleave in two, this one heart that is me and you.

This isn’t some amorous Shakespearean line.  This love isn’t the kind that comes a dozen a dime.  That’s not how I love you.

It’s a simple love, but it’s pure and deep and is stronger than the greatest castle’s keep.  It will safe-guard you.  So when the doubt of evening comes and fear’s grasped you amongst its throngs, let nothing distress you because I love you.  Let no evil plight, in darkness or light, set your faith and feet to frightful flight because I am with you.

As long as on me you hold your gaze, you shall never lose your way because I will guide you.  Along the roads and pathways of life, you will find my kindness and mercy is rife.  Through the Jordan’s waters you’ve earned this right and though the minions of death may play their fife, I will not abandon you in strife…

For I am with you—because I love you.